Having closed my shop in early 2024 I have had a lot of enquiries from ladies who still would like a fitting for a new prosthesis. As a reult I do now offer the occasional fitting clinic. I usually run them on a Sunday.
As I no longer have my own premises - I do have to rent a space - and so I do have tio charge for the fitting appointment. My charge is £50 for a one hour appoiintment.
I have stock of breast forms that covers nost of the more popular brands and types of prostheses, and have a few formsd that you might not even be aware of - that offer something a little different. I also have a stock of pocketed bras and swimwear that are avilable to try on or buy when you come for the apoointment.
As I now live in Audlem (in Cheshire) that is where I do the fittings - so you will need to make arrngements to travel here. There is ample parking just outside of the building where I rent the space.
If you are interested you will need to make an appointment for one ofthe days I am running the clinics. So please contact me if you are interested either by phone or by email (or by the little chat icon in the bottom right corner of the site)
Tel: 03330 903561
email: info@feminineforms.co.uk